Did I get your attention!? Read on......
As I write this, I'm thinking, damn I'm getting old. I know this because I have a great deal to look back on.
Hospitality has been a part of my life for close to 40 of my 54 years, so I've seen my fair share of the good, the bad and the ugly, cue 'Spaghetti Western' tune.
Excluding food trends, paddock to plate, fork to mouth etc. One of our major issues has been staffing. A topic that has tested many a resolve over the years, and will always be an issue.
We are in a volatile and taxing industry that can bring the strongest to their knees.
I'll try and not bore you with the 'Good old days', however there was a time when our trade certificate meant something more than just a piece of paper. It was cherished and valued and was our ticket to the world!
I can't remember the last time that I asked a prospective employee to see their trade certificate!? That says a lot! This leads me to a new and challenging issue that has arisen, 'The International Student'.
As I may or may not have mentioned before, thank the gods that we have them, as the industry would be in even more hot water. However, there are systemic issues..... Below are my thoughts on the Pro's and Con's of this relatively new wave of employee......
Mostly loyal and absorb what you have to give and cherish knowledge. After all knowledge is the ultimate power, right!?
As apposed to one colourful 17 year old Bothwell local I had the displeasure of 'working' with that had no issue telling me to fuck off because he wanted to play cricket on one of the rare occasion's we asked him to work a weekend.......pause for effect.........That did not end well, for him! Mini rant over.
Unfortunately, and it's a BIG unfortunately, the basis of there Visa and training is incredibly flawed.
Let me explain.....
Firstly, an international student begins their 2 year training at Cookery Cert III, then Cert IV and believe it or not a Management Degree! WTF!? Most of these students come from a non hospitality background and don't have the luxury of having years of lead in time through kitchen hand jobs, Macca's etc. The deep end is very cold indeed.
I have a saying (and I have many), "To build your career house, you need a solid foundation". Now starting at Cert III is NOT a solid foundation. Basically these students are running before they walk. Insane!
To make a long story short, they are released into the hospo world, under skilled, ill prepared and set up to fail!
My thoughts are, an introductory course which encompasses Cert I & Cert II which leads into Cert III.
Allow more time on the job training and begin FT employment based on a Cert IV/commis wage for at least the first 12 months. Now I understand that these students can spend close to $40K for their Visa, so they are behind the proverbial 8 ball and need to reign in some of those dollars. Geez, I don't know, make it cheaper!?
In a nutshell, give them the correct tools to achieve a positive outcome for themselves and the business they work for!
Oh and BTW, did you know we still have 30 RTO's in Tasmania. I can tell you now, only a handful of those are in it to help the student and the industry!! (Drysdale for one!)
I feel so passionately about this subject that I wrote a lengthy plea to the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).
My response 2 weeks later....basically, not our problem!?
I'm not surprised really, as I feel that there is a fat fisted money grab that takes priority over all.
If ASQA is listening, I am happy to be proven wrong!?
Looks like I need to get into the schools and preach the good word of hospitality!
Because it can be an incredible adventure!!
*full disclosure, I also spoke with Drysdale House (TAFE), THA (Tasmanian Hospitality Association) & GETI (Government Education and Training International) about this issue and they are all very aware of the issues.
This needs to be addressed at the highest level for any change to happen.
Blood from a stone comes to mind.......